The Importance of Branding Your Business Environment

Apr 10, 2018

Environmental signage is what connects people to a place, and because the best forms of marketing render your story – what you stand for, what you believe in and why your business does what it does – branding your business environment is worth your time and energy.

Below are some reasons workplace branding is important and some examples of our work to inspire you.

Employee Pride

Your employees are an extension of your brand. It’s likely that they spend about the same amount of their waking hours at the office as they do outside of it. A branded workspace reminds them that they are part of a team working to accomplish a common goal.

A bland and generic office environment is a turnoff to current and prospective employees. It cripples collaboration. It suppresses a sense of community and culture. It makes us uptight.

Now we are not saying that you can simply throw some inspirational quotes on the wall and see employee engagement go up, but if those quotes are relevant to your purpose, then go for it. Don’t try and fake it. Spend time thinking about how you want to be perceived, what messages you want to send, and how you want to make your employees feel when they are clocked in.

The work we did for Maple Ridge – an event company in Nashville – inspires and promotes pride among employees.

The headquarters of The Tennessee Baptist Foundation displays its mission to advance the church by investing in its people and helping them fulfill the Great Commission.

ONEC1TY, an urban community in Nashville, reminds clients and employees of their focus.

The “Tenure Wall” at Lee Company shows their belief that people are their most important asset.

Emotional Connection with Customers/Clients

Many times, your office space is the first thing people see when they interact with your organization. Other times, it reinforces your brand story. It’s another opportunity to show your personality and feature your brand, values, and mission.

Don’t make any mistake about it: clients judge your quality of work based on how your physical space makes them look and feel. Does it look and feel alive? Does your visual signage reflect your brand? Is it more than a name and a logo?

If you answered “no” to the questions above, it’s time to take a look at your strategic environmental branding efforts. It will quickly tell your visitors what you are about, put them at ease, and leave them with a lasting impression.

If you have a quote or inspiration that gives your company hope and motivation, there is no better way to remind people of that ambition by having it on the lobby wall, a canvas print, or somewhere else prominent in your office space.

If you need help branding your business environment, take a look at our case studies and watch this video below to get a sense of our capabilities. We are experts in environmental branding and standing by to lead the process, from design to installation. All you need to do is contact us.

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